CURRENT PROJECT: Running of the Rhinos 2017


We are the ordinary seeking the extraordinary. Founded in 2014 in preparation for the Mongolian Charity Rally, we are a group of friends looking to make a difference, big or small, in the world. Our adventures often push us well out of our comfort zone…but with good mates and a mission at hand – it is all worth it.


With the success of the Mongolian Charity Rally, we decided to keep the Team Blog running.

The team seeks adventures in all forms for all causes, whether it be a road trip to deliver an ambulance to the people of Mongolia or a cross country run for education in South Africa. Consider us amateur adventure junkies who aim to raise awareness and funds for charity at the same time while actively doing something.

We blog our experiences mainly for three reasons:

  1. Blogging is rather fun and highly effective at communicating to our supporters. It requires a bit more effort than other social media platforms but we have found it the best way to make YOU a part of our journey. After all, without YOUR support, we wouldn’t be able to do the things we do.
  2. Our adventures have us cross paths with sooo many people, places, moments and memories that although you swear to remember them at the time, unless you write it down you will inevitably forget all the finer details. So this blog is a sort of memory aid of all the experiences, good and bad.
  3. The blog is a source of information for the world to use. We try capture as much of the necessary details as possible so that anyone looking to do similar adventures has access to everything we learnt or experienced along the way. Did you know that when you drive an ambulance through Greece you don’t have to pay tolls? Nope, didn’t think so 😉


SABA DAY WHOOPIE TAA !!!! There are simply so many wonderful and incredible things to see and do in this world. To not see or do a fraction of them would be a crying shame. Life is short but a lack of time is no excuse. We firmly believe if you want to go do something, just do it (#Nike).

Why Shake ‘N Bake? Because Fist Pumps are awesome people!!!!